How Often Should You Change Your Air Filter in an Air Conditioner?

If you don't suffer from allergies, it's recommended to replace your air filter every 90 days. However, air conditioning professionals usually suggest changing them every 45 days for maximum efficiency. Make sure to replace the filter with the correct size and type of air cleaner. If your air conditioner is working properly, you can remove the filter and buy one that is identical.

In general, most air filter manufacturers and HVAC companies suggest changing the air filter every 90 days or 3 months. This may vary depending on the location of your home (e.g., dusty and dry weather), if you have pets, and the age of your system and equipment. If you have pets at home, you should consider changing the filter every 60 days or 2 months, and in the case of households with several pets or people with allergies or respiratory conditions, it's recommended to change the filter every 20 to 45 days. Vacation homes or empty houses that aren't used much can wait to change filters every 9 to 12 months. The more you use your home, the more often you'll need to change your air filter.

An HVAC filter will only last one to three months on average. So it's important to keep track of the date you installed them. If you wait too long to change the filter, indoor air quality will be affected. For an underused vacation home, you can get away with changing the filters once a year. However, in the case of a typical suburban home, it's best to change the filters at least every 90 days.

This time frame may vary depending on additional circumstances such as location, pets, and age of system and equipment. These air filters act as barriers to prevent contaminants from entering the HVAC system or circulating through the air. Over time, the air filter accumulates dirt, dust, fur, and other contaminants that can be found in the house. Changing the air filter will help keep air conditioner parts clean and prevent them from wearing out. When you start to see an increase in particles or pollutants in the air, it's time to change your filter more frequently. Pets can add excess dander to the air in your home and can bring more particles, such as dust, pollen and dirt from outside, to your home.

If you don't like replacing your air filter every two weeks, invest in a washable air filter. All air that circulates through the air conditioning system, whether to heat or cool the home, will eventually pass through the air filter. In situations where you can't find the MERV rating on the air filter packaging, look for a filter with many folds per foot. Check your air filter today and replace it if it's overdue and enjoy fresh, clean air in your home. According to the American Allergy and Asthma Foundation (AAFA), “indoor air quality is as important as outdoor air quality”.The longer the filter is in place, the more dirt, dust and allergens will be trapped, clogging the filter and reducing its efficiency. No matter what type of air conditioning system you have, each unit needs a quality filter that is properly adjusted to keep indoor air quality clean and your unit operating at peak efficiency. So how do you determine if your air filter has trapped more than enough dirt and requires a change? If you notice an increase in particles or pollutants in the air, it's time for a new one.